Datatrak Uganda

1. The African Development Bank is an African regional bank that purports to address the African development challenges, analyses its legal treaty and the benefits that have thus far accrued to South Sudan as a member

The African Development Bank (AfDB) was created on 4 August 1963 in Khartoum, Sudan, where 23 newly independent African countries signed the agreement establishing the institution.[1] On 10 September 1964, the Agreement came into force when 20 member countries subscribed to 65% of the Bank’s capital stock of US$ 250 million. The inaugural meeting of … Read more

Review of William Easterly’s book “The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s effort to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good”.

William Easterly is a professor of Economics and a former economist at the World Bank. In his book “The White Man’s Burden,” Easterly tackles the ambitious plans of economists throughout the modern age to try to address the question of underdevelopment and why those efforts have gone repeatedly wrong. Easterly’s message is straightforward and he … Read more

Book Review of Betty Friedan’s ‘the feminine mystique: The problem that has no name’

Domination of women has for centuries been the norm all over the world. Women have for long been considered and treated as second fiddle to men in aspects of social, political, economic, human rights and development. Women were never and have never been comfortable with this kind of arrangement but given a highly patriarchal society … Read more

Review of Ha-Joon Chang’s book “Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective”

In reviewing Ha-Joon Chang’s book “Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective,” it is worth noting that despite the fact that it was first published over two decades ago, it nevertheless remains significantly relevant in the discussion about the history of development. Many global milestones have happened in the last two decades, notably; … Read more

Globalization and diplomacy

Introduction Globalization as it is known today may be considered the most fundamentally impactful event of the 21st century. It has resulted into very unique, clearly noticeable changes in the conduct of trade, migration, information and communication sharing, mobility and international security. There have been some arguments that the impact of globalization has weakened the … Read more

Book review of Oyeronke Oyewumi’s; Conceptualizing Gender: the Eurocentric Foundations of Feminist concepts and the Challenge of African Epistemologies, and Sanya Osha’s; Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy.

The modern understanding of knowledge evolution in the world has no doubt been dominated by what Oyeronke Oyewumi describes as ‘the Euro-American cultural hegemony’. In her book; “Conceptualizing gender: the Eurocentric foundations of feminist concepts and the challenge of African epistemologies,” Oyewumi asserts that knowledge proliferation all over the world has therefore taken the shape … Read more

Discuss the hindrances to the development of democratic governance in South Sudan after the independence of July 9th 2011.

The republic of South Sudan gained independence in 2011,[i] after decades of armed struggle against domination of the Muslim-dominated north. Barely two years into statehood, an internal political disagreement broke out between rival politicians over the control of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party, which escalated into armed confrontation on the streets of … Read more

Review of Dambisa Moyo’s book “Edge of Chaos: Why Democracy Is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth – and How to Fix It”

In her seminal work, Edge of Chaos: Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth – and How to Fix It, Dambisa Moyo provides a very critical explanation for the steady collapse of democracies around the world and how this problem can be addressed for the good of the future generations. In this work, Dr. … Read more