Datatrak Uganda

Describe how the Organization’s Context of Culture, Structure and System support teamwork

Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. It involves several associates working together with each playing a part but all subordinating personal prominence for the efficient completion of the collective task as a whole. Teamwork enables people to cooperate, using their individual skills and … Read more

Narrate the history, evolution and revolution of management to the present day, citing at least 10 gurus in management

Management is defined as the process of administering or organizing people and coordinating the various activities necessary for the achievement of defined goals. It is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the … Read more

Define organizational behavior in detail and explain the benefit, significance and usefulness of the terms in the definition in enabling managers to achieve organizational goals

Organizational behavior are the actions and attitudes of individuals and groups toward one another and toward the organization as a whole, and its effect on the organization’s functioning and performance. It is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within an organization, to enable applying this … Read more